Nie sob, VMWARE WORKSTATION 9.0.0 Build 812388 FULL TERBARU, adalah software sama halnya VIRTUALBOX, yang berfungsi sebagai VIRTUAL MACHINE komputer, yang mana sobat bisa mengisnttall OS di dalam OS.. Bisa maen GAME yang membutuhkan Bootable.. Wuih.. keren GAme nya .. butuhnya bukan sistem operasi, melainkan LAngsung MEsin.. Edunn.. VMWARE WORKSTATION 9.0.0 Build 812388 FULL TERBARU ini lebih populer di bandingkan VIRTUAL BOX, namun ukurannya juga lumayan sob.. 426MB.. whehehehe.. dan serta beberapa fitur lainnya bisa sobat lihat di bawah..ok.. nah yang membutuhkan .. cekidott..
PC requirements:
System requirements:
64-bit x86 Intel Core™ Solo Processor or equivalent, AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Dual Core Processor or equivalent
1.3GHz or faster core speed
2GB RAM minimum/ 4GB RAM recommended
Workstation installation:
1.2 GB of available disk space for the application. Additional hard disk space required for each virtual machine. Please refer to vendors recommended disk space for specific guest operating systems.
Host operating systems* (32-bit & 64-bit):
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP SP3
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003 Standard
Windows XP Home Edition with SP2
Ubuntu 8.04 and above
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.5 and above
CentOS 5.0 and above
Oracle Linux 5.0 and above
openSUSE 10.2 and above
SUSE Linux 10 and above
For Windows 7 Aero graphics support in a virtual machine
3GB RAM (Host PC)
Intel Dual Core, 2.2GHz and above or AMD Athlon 4200+ and above
NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT and above or ATI Radeon HD 2600 and above
VMWARE WORKSTATION 9.0.0 Build 812388 FINAL 426 MB
VMWARE WORKSTATION 8.0.4 BUILD 7044019password :
semoga bermanfaat guys.
kuyhAa™ αndroiD¹⁹